






税務用語等 英語表記
 確定申告 final tax return
 課税所得 taxable income
 決算 account closing
 入出金伝票、振替伝票 withdrawal/deposit slips, transfer slips
 試算表、総勘定元帳 trial balance, general ledger
 別表 appended table
 資本金等の額、利益積立金額 capital, profit reserve
 留保と社外流出 retain and drain
 還付申告 tax refund
 申告期限 due date of filing tax return
 延滞税、過少申告加算税 delinquent tax, additional tax for understatement
 医療費控除 deduction for medical expenses
 ふるさと納税ワンストップ特例 hometown tax payment one-stop special procedure system
 青色申告(特別控除) (special exemption for) blue return
 繰越欠損金 losses carried forward
 総合課税、分離課税 aggregate taxation, separate taxation
 付表、計算明細書 appendix, statement (calculation form)
 源泉徴収税額 withholding tax
 マイナンバー individual number




税務用語等 英語表記
 年末調整 year-end adjustment
 支払調書の提出 submission of payment records
 配偶者(特別)控除 (special) exemption for spouses
 扶養控除申告書 application for exemption for dependents
 親族関係書類 documents concerning relatives
 送金関係書類 documents concerning remittances
 給与所得控除 employment income deduction
 生命保険料控除 deduction for life insurance premiums
 地震保険料控除 deduction for earthquake insurance premiums
 住宅ローン控除 special credit for mortgage




税務用語等 英語表記
 配当控除 credit for dividends
 所得税額控除 credit for income taxes
 外国税額控除 credit for foreign taxes
 所得拡大促進税制 tax credits for salary growth
 中小企業投資促進税制 small and medium-sized enterprises investment incentives
 研究開発税制 R&D tax credit incentives
 事業承継税制 business succession taxation
 法人設立届出書 notification of corporation establishment
 課税事業者選択届出書 report on the selection of taxable proprietor status for CT* 
 簡易課税制度選択届出書 report on the selection of the simplified tax system for CT*
 国税局 national tax agency
 所轄税務署 tax office with jurisdiction
 軽減税率 reduced tax rate
 仮想通貨 virtual currencies

*CT consumption tax 消費税の略






We would appreciate if you send your company’s tax return file by the end of this week.



Please give us the details of losses carried forward on the tax return ?



We are sending the certificate of residence to you so that you can pay our service fee without subtracting withholding tax.

Please keep it carefully for the future tax investigation in your company.




Could you submit the required documents such as application for exemption for spouse of employment Income earner for the year-end adjustment by 15th next month ?



If you are not available documents concerning relatives during this week, please file the final tax return to tax office with jurisdiction by yourself.



You had better provide us with the application form for income tax convention beforehand.

If we obtain it before the date of salary payment, withholding tax won’t be subtracted from the pay of your part time job.




We have introduced a part of tax jargon in English which are expected to be used frequently in workplace. Please be aware that above phrases are just samples and other phrases might be better depending on which country you deal with.
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